How being #XeroCertified helps partners support their clients

We’re just a few months into 2022 and we’re so impressed at how many of you have completed your Xero advisor certification. Another 11,800 people have joined our community of 100,000+ confident #XeroCertified learners.
Xero advisor certification is a learning experience that helps partners and business owners become proficient and confident with Xero’s core features. After completing their certification, #XeroCertified learners then complete four quarterly product updates annually to maintain it.
Each of our 100,000+ #XeroCertified learners have a different story to tell. Read on to hear just a few experiences, and how being #XeroCertified helps you support your clients.
Celebrating over a decade being #XeroCertified
Mel Morris from Training and Beyond is one of our longest #XeroCertified partners, having gained her Xero advisor certification in 2008. After gaining gold partner status, Mel went on to become a Xero certification trainer and today is Xero’s NZ Head of Bookkeeping. “In 2008 Xero was still emerging and evolving. Most of the presentations we did to accountants and clients started with a run down on what the ‘cloud’ was.”
“At the time I saw certification as a conduit to gaining more knowledge and being on the ground floor of accounting and bookkeeping with Xero. My small bookkeeping business was 100% Xero, therefore I was in boots and all. Nothing has changed since then.
Being #XeroCertified demonstrates to clients and your practice that you understand Xero and have kept up to date with its features and product tools. You will be more efficient if you continue your professional development as the platform is continuously evolving.”
Gillian Rossouw became #XeroCertified in 2010, and soon after her bookkeeping practice Jill of all Trades became the first in Australia to gain gold partner status. She says gaining – and maintaining – her Xero certification is crucial, and definitely a “no brainer”.
“Being #XeroCertified keeps me up to date with all the regular updates with Xero. In my small boutique business it’s important for me to have as much knowledge and as many tools as possible to support my clients in their various industries. My clients range from mum and dad small service industries, to medical professions, tradies, retail and manufacturing.”
Getting the whole practice #XeroCertified
To maintain Xero certification, there needs to be at least one person in your practice who is currently certified and up to date with the quarterly product updates. But many practices recognise the value of being #XeroCertified and have all practice staff complete it.
Xero partner practice Red Office has embraced Xero certification, with 13 of their 15 accounts staff being #XeroCertified. The other two are working on gaining theirs soon.
“In our business, our accounts team must all become #XeroCertified and maintain it while they work with us. All new starters must complete their Xero certification within the first three months of starting,” says Louise Holmes – Director at Red Office.
“It’s important for us to have the entire team #XeroCertified to show our professional competence on Xero. The benefit of maintaining certification is demonstrating that we’re up with the play on all things Xero. We can keep up with the software and technology changes and continue to be seen as leaders in our industry.
Being #XeroCertified helps upskill our team so they can in turn help their clients with the day-to-day queries, as well as more tricky situations,” adds Louise.
The benefits of being #XeroCertified
Lisa Turner, Xero partner from Accounted For You, first became #XeroCertified in 2017. “When I was setting up my own bookkeeping practice I knew Xero would be my accounting software of choice. I jumped at the chance to complete the certification to familiarise myself with the platform so I could educate my clients and work efficiently too.
Maintaining my certification ensures I’m up to date on all the features so I can support my clients. The industry is rapidly changing and knowing how to best support my clients and use Xero to its full capacity is a must for me. Upcoming features and development updates help me streamline my practice to follow suit.”
Nicole Lynch, Xero partner from Streamline Management Australia, gained her certification in 2012. “I actually put off doing it for ages, I thought it would be hard and we’d been using another product since the mid 90s.
“The benefits of being a certified Xero partner are hard to describe. In 2012, moving to Xero started a chain of dominos for us. Collaboration wasn’t something we’d seen in the industry before. Xero was collaborating with us, giving us free training and we were meeting other Xero bookkeepers and accountants at events. As a result our skills, confidence and knowledge grew.”
Want to join us?
Inspired by these partners’ stories and want to become #XeroCertified to make sure you’re also getting the most out of Xero? Join the 100,000+ #XeroCertified learners around the world by starting your learning experience to certification here.