Cash flow apps to support small business
During these challenging times, we’re actively looking for ways to make things easier for our small business community. Millions of customers rely on Xero every day to help run their businesses online. And alongside us, is our 800 strong community of app partners that are also committed to supporting our shared customers.
More than ever, cash flow is a key issue for small businesses, and understanding it is crucial to making informed decisions at the right time. So this month, we have a special feature on cash flow apps that can offer you or your clients vital cash flow insights, and help support you at this time.
Float is cash flow forecasting and management software that gives businesses a real-time view of cash flow, to plan for the what-ifs and make more confident decisions about the future.
For those in need of financial expertise, Float is matching their customers with a group of Xero’s accounting and bookkeeping partners, who will provide assistance and advice free of charge. Float are making their tool more accessible for advisors and their clients, and has already helped hundreds of businesses with this initiative, which they are in the process of rolling out across regions. Find out more here.
FUTRLI is a cash flow forecasting and reporting software to help small businesses and their accountants to understand their financials, manage cash flow and make the right decisions for their business
To help Xero Advisors navigate their clients through this period, Futrli has produced a white paper outlining simple step by step strategies which they can undertake today. Recommending software, email templates and checklists are all included. You can download it now – Advising clients through COVID-19.
Fluidly is an intelligent cash flow tool for businesses and their financial advisors, which manages cash coming in, cash going out and everything in between. Accountants can view Fluidly’s recent webinar, featuring practical advice for helping clients manage cash flow, funding and people in the current climate. Sign up to a weekly bulletin for up-to-the minute advice and news and find out more here.
Spotlight Reporting
Spotlight Reporting offers a suite of cloud-based tools designed to provide accountants and bookkeepers with an extensive range of reports, dashboards and forecasts that save significant time while delivering clarity for better decision-making. Spotlight Certification is now unlimited.
A regional snapshot
Chaser (UK)
Chaser automates invoice chasing and streamlines the credit control process, to help business get paid on time. The entire client-facing team at Chaser has been redeployed to provide complimentary assistance to help businesses who need support to get cash in the door as quickly as possible, in a way that’s also right for their customers. For example, they will be covering questions like what payment plans can be offered to customers who can’t pay and how to set them up. Find out more here.
Figured (Australia and New Zealand, United Kingdom)
Figured is a cloud-based farm financial management system. It is designed to work closely with Xero to provide farmers and their advisors with real-time financial planning, production tracking, and reporting capabilities For financial advisors and accounting professionals Figured makes it possible to have proactive planning discussions with clients and with access to accurate financial data the whole farming team can make confident decisions together.
Xavier (UK)
Xavier is a clever toolkit for Xero accountancies to clean data, prioritise clients, and benefit from accurate reporting. As part of their Turn The Tide program, Xavier is helping accounting partners reduce costs for their clients, and also making Xavier available for more of their clients in need of help. Find out more here.
Additional support for our Xero community
Xero’s Business Community Hub also contains a range of practical tools and education resources to support small businesses and their advisors through this incredibly challenging time. It includes additional information on how to manage cash flow. We’re updating it as we learn more, so please keep referring back to it as we add more content.
There’s also more information available in the Xero Cash Flow App Playbook for advisors on helping support their small business clients with cash flow and how to choose technology tools to meet their business needs.