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Introducing the UK and Ireland Xero Award winners

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Gary Turner

Mar 2, 2020

Last night we rewarded our accounting and bookkeeping partners for their hard work and dedication at the Xero Awards ceremony. 

With 14 trophies up for grabs, our 2020 finalists gathered at the infamous Electric Brixton for a night filled with celebration and fun. 

The night was hosted by award-winning comedian Lucy Porter, who was joined on stage by Spark –  the talented LED drum band that got the party going. 

So if you’re wondering what makes a winner, here’s the list of all our accounting and bookkeeping winners – and why they won. 

From everyone here at Xero UK, we want to congratulate them all again!

UK Sole Practitioner of the Year: Figure Fairy

Figure Fairy is a great example of small but mighty. 

Owner Rachael Prideaux has made it her priority to use Xero to its full potential, experiencing an increase in revenue as a result. 

Figured Fairy’s turnover increased 182% for the year ending September 2019. “I truly believe that this would not have been possible without the economies of scale and added value my clients have experienced as a direct result of using Xero,” said Rachael. 

Rachael is a real advocate for online accounting with a deep understanding of the Xero product suite and how it can help her clients achieve their business goals. She transfers this knowledge to her clients helping them take advantage of the time-saving product we offer. 

She’s even attended Xerocon Brisbane to network and share knowledge with our community down under. 

UK Small Firm of the Year: Ashton McGill

Co-founders and father-son duo Alistair and Andy McGill were once on the client side running a design agency. Dissatisfied with the service they received from their accountant, they decided to open a practice focused on innovation and putting clients first. 

Ashton McGill is a shining example of a client-focused technology firm that goes beyond compliance with advisory services embedded in everything they do. 

To do this accurately and at scale, they use Xero skillfully to harness the many features that help their clients grow whilst also streamlining their own practice. 

UK Mid-size Firm of the Year: Ad Valorem 

Ad Valorem has invested time and resources to move to a digital way of working by incorporating Xero, hiring business development experts and embedding marketing in the heart of everything they do. 

Running on Xero means Ad Valorem can identify which areas of growth to focus on and this has resulted in a 63% income increase in their R&D department.

Lastly, this impressive firm took on Making Tax Digital for VAT with a strategic and proactive approach which stood out with our judges. 

The personalised approach transferred internal VAT clients to Xero’s Making Tax Digital software and clients that file themselves were equipped with the know-how to help them prepare and comply with the regulation.

UK Large Firm of the Year: Johnston Carmichael 

Over 150 Johnston Carmichael staff members are Xero certified covering advisor, migration and payroll status, so their rapid growth and ability to move at scale – migrating 1000 new clients to Xero within just 12 months – is unsurprising. 

The firm has utilised Xero’s automation power to help them operate more efficiently, freeing up precious time to spend helping their clients beyond just the figures. 

As well as using the Xero platform to its full potential, Johnston Carmichael recognises the power of integrating Xero with industry-leading apps, recently rolling out an internal training course to promote app advisory and Xero’s app ecosystem.

UK 100% Xero Award: Raedan

Raedan skillfully uses the full breadth of Xero and ecosystem apps to free up time for human relationships. “Yesterday I got to go home early to watch my eldest daughter get her next gymnastics badge… no 11pm finish, no stress over being disconnected from work. So, thank you Xero,” said director and co-founder Jonathan Bareham. 

Jonathan and his team are also dedicated to providing exceptional client service. Clients that have recently joined the firm are nurtured and educated on how to get the most from Xero covering bookkeeping, compliance and apps. 

Six months down the line, the team re-engages with these clients asking for feedback to ensure everyone is happy and on course. 

UK App Advisor of the Year: MAP

The winner of this category, MAP, works with clients in the digital creative industry, partnering with Xero and our ecosystem partners to better serve their clients. 

MAP’s clients aren’t typically in the know when it comes to the numbers side of their business, but MAP’s onboarding process ensures they’re walked through the ins and outs of Xero. 

The firm’s extensive knowledge and adoption of these apps also impressed our judges, with every client using relevant apps that integrate with Xero to automate processes, reduce errors that come with manual data entry and save crucial time. 

UK Xero’s Most Valued Professional 

We’re honoured to present this year’s most valued professional award to Jonathan Bareham

Jonathan has been a Xero partner for over nine years and an engaged participant of anything he’s been asked to take part in – including marketing videos, panel discussions and beta testing for new Xero products.  

“Jonathan’s active involvement in the Xero Tax beta has been really significant for us. His participation and feedback have proved incremental to helping us build a product that will revolutionise tax filing,” said Damon Anderson, Xero Awards judge and Director of Operations. 

As an active member of the Xero Partner Advisory Council (XPAC), Jonathan continues to provide insightful and timely advice, helping us ensure we’re solving the right problems for our partner base. 

There isn’t anybody at Xero who won’t know of Jonathan or recognise his face. He’s become a staple in the company and acts as a brand ambassador, flying the Xero flag wherever he is and for that we’re eternally grateful.

It’s been incredible to watch Jonathan use Xero and free up time so he can do more of what he loves: spend time with his family and provide his team at Raedan a rewarding work experience. 

We look forward to continuing working with Jonathan in an inclusive, collaborative and human way! 

Ireland Emerging Partner of the Year: PSC Accountants & Advisors

PSC Accountants & Advisors have been working with some clients for years – some of whom prefer to work with receipts and manual processes. 

Siobhan Rivas May has worked hard to help these clients transition to online accounting by showcasing the benefits of Xero and helping them see that change is not something to fear. 

PSC Accountants & Advisors also hold regular workshops on payroll, pensions and bookkeeping. In addition, almost every new client that joins the practice transitions to Xero automatically – helping this firm move towards being 100% on the cloud. 

Ireland Partner of the Year: RDA Accountants

RDA Accountants moved their practice fully over to Xero after attending Xerocon last year. Since then, this firm has embraced Xero’s data and automation capabilities to save hours when it comes to reporting on anti-money laundering requirements. 

Using Xero also means RDA has been able to eliminate manual data entry. “The ability to have information syncing from Xero Practice Manager to Xero has also made redundant the requirement for manual transfer of sales invoices from our old system,” said Paul Redmond, Founder and Managing Partner.

All this change means that everyone at RDA spends more time with their clients, offering services from cash flow advisory to business planning and management information.


Find out who our 2020 app partner winners are and see all the action from the awards ceremony and party.

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